C:\Documents and Settings\'user name'\Local Settings\Application Data\Ironclad Games\Sins of a Solar Empire\mods entrenchment v How to Install Mods for Sins of a Solar Empire - Star Trek Armada 3 What are the best space games on PC in player campaign – with the. Ing Mods Sins Of A Solar Empire Rebellion Mod To Sins Ing Mods Sins Of A Solar Empire powered by Peatix: More than a ticket. There is a separate folder stored in your My Documents/My Games/Ironclad Games/Sins of a Solar Empire/Mods-Rebellion/mods where you place.

You'll need to make sure you've launched the game at least once, and from the main menu go to options, then mods, and then click 'show mod path'. Open Rebellion and go to Options, Mods, and there should be a mod on the right hand list- your mod, Overpowered. There is a common bug within Sins of a Solar Empire that with some mods the in game feature to enable a mod wont. Put the mods folder into C:\Documents and Settings\ \Local Settings\Application Data\Ironclad Games\Sins of a Solar Empire\Mods\. Create a new directory in your called “01 - Remove Advent”.

Just extract the star trek armada 3 folder into your mods folder which should be at user/My Documents/My Games/Ironclad Games/Sins of a solar empire. Select "Options" in the main menu the select "Mods" then "Show Mod Path. The easiest way to find where to place the mod is through the game menu.